Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Class Wednesday, March 26

You did a great job presenting your web designs/headings for the content of your web essays in class today. You all look like you have a good start on this. Keep your research question in mind as you begin to write. Make sure each section of your essay relates to and develops an answer for that question. Good work!

On Monday we will be discussing "The Tyranny of Copyright" by Robert Boynton, 207 - 218 in Vitanza, so take a look at it. For those of you with topics related to ethics - this is relevant. It is also a consideration for publishing issues, and it makes some important points about how digital spaces are changing the way we think about authorship and ownership.

On Wednesday I will be at a conference. You will have an in-class workshop to workshop, using FrontPage on the lab computers, to work on the layout for your essay. Your work will be developing (or choosing) the template for your essay, and setting up the link structure. Bring Johnson-Eilola to class for reference, and Ryan will be available for point of need help to figure out the details. You also have the link for the Microsoft site and help page.

I will be reading through your blogs over the weekend (through Blog 8). For Blog 9 and Blog 10, due Monday March 31, and Monday April 7, you will create posts on your research topic. These posts should be writing you will use for your web essay. We will spend some time in class reading through this writing - to get you some support and feedback before you put your essay all together.

Have a good week end an see you on Monday!

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