Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Class Wednesday, March 12 and over the break

By the end of class today you should have all the information - in terms of how and what to post- for your wikipedia entry. We will use class as a workshop - for you to network with each other and me to do what ever you need to get your entry posted. You should have a quick drawing/plan to set up what your post will look by the end of class.

Your assignment over break is to post your wikipedia entry (no later than Friday, March 14) - and to watch it. Keep an eye on any revisions - and if you are moved to do so - participate in those revisions. Blog 8, due on Monday March 24, should include the text of your original entry, a link to your completed entry, your wikipedia user name, and a reflection on what you learned about participating in wiki online writing/an online community.

Also in class today we will have a brief discussion of layouts and navigation for you hypertext essay. At this point, you should be getting a fairly definite idea of the headings for the information you are going to have in your essay (the sections), the links (both internal and external), and you should be ready to think about how to organize your text.

Your second assignment over the break is to design the layout for your essay and develop a brief presentation.

Your presentation should include:
1) a schematic of your essay that includes the navigational structures labeled with the names in Chapter 7 of Eilola;
2) major headings/section titles with a brief synopsis of content; and
3) a brief explanation of why you decided to organize your essay the way you did.

To find "models" for how you might organize your work, check out the web essays at Kairos. The following link offers one example that is fairly simple. Check through the back issues and TOC to find others. Blogging Places: Locating Pedagogy in the Whereness of Blogs

Have a great break - and have fun in Wikipedia-wonderland.

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