Thursday, February 5, 2009

Phone novels!

For an English version of the focus of this article - check out Textnovel - a home page for cell phone novels in English. After you click through some of the "novels" you might want to check out the real thing: Maho i-land. Any observations? What do you think what you observe means with respect to digital spaces, phone novels, and the different uses different cultures have for these phenomena?

And after you read a few of these - you might glance through what The Shakespearean Rag has to say about phone novels.

So the question we take up today - is this: is the Shakespearan Rag correct in suggesting that "classical" literature is "better" and that we lose "subtlety & irony" among other things if we allow that cell phone writers have composed novels? Or is the Shakespearean Rag simply protecting its own turf, excluding an emerging Discourse by devaluing what it cannot control? OR - maybe something altogether different is going on?

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