Tuesday, February 26, 2008

For Wednesday, February 27

Work on your research plan. Using the process posted in the previous entry will give you the kind of broad view that will allow you to make sure you have a valid question and that their is sufficient material "out there" for you to pose an in-depth exploration of that question. Doing the reading is probably the most important part of the planning process. Read what others have written. Examine their questions.

For Wednesday you will be expected to have a draft research plan on your blog. Go into detail for each of the following points:

Detailed statement of your research question

Statement of purpose (what you hope to show/discover)

List of the information you need to gather

Preliminary list of sources

Plan for gathering your information

Read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web 2.0

In class on Wednesday - you will give and recieve feedback on your plan. On Monday March 3, you will give a presentation on your research plan.

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