Thursday, April 23, 2009

Lab Time to work on your hypertext essays

CAS 307 will be available for you to work on your projects ANY TIME BUT the following time periods:

Monday 11:00 - 12:20
Tuesday 12:30 - 1:45
Wednesday 12:15 - 1:45
Thursday 9:30 - 12:15
Friday 12:30 - 1:45

Tell Ms. Coleman or the student assistant in the English Department Office that you are a student in Dr. Chandler's ENG 3080, and you will be let into the lab. Do not allow students from other classes to come into the room with you.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday, April 20


Working with FrontPage on computers with blocks presents many challenges. You are doing a wonderful job. For those of you who fell they didn't get as far as they liked - hopefully you were able to save your site (the assignment for the day) so that you can continue to work on it in other labs on campus. The computers labs in Willis have FrontPage - if you find others on campus let me know and I will post it here so everyone can get some work done.

In class on Thrusday we were going to talk about the portfolio - but at this point, I think I am not going to require you to turn in a portfolio - rather we will do some reflective writing on the last day of class that you can then email me. So that means we will use Thursday to continue working on the hypertext essay. If you want feedback - you can turn in a draft (how ever far you got, in what every state of hyper-ness it happens to be) at the end of class. I will have you turn them in by saving them to a thumb drive that I will pass around class. Your draft should give a clear indication of the form + include your revised text. Unless you schedule a conference - this will be your last chance to receive feedback prior to the grade.

Next week, you will give presentations on your hypertext essays. The idea will be for you to get one more round of feedback from your classmates & me.

In your presentation you will need to state the following:

1. your research question (and how it connects to the ideas in the course)
2. what you found with respect to your research question (your answer)
3. how others have answered your question (connections to work by other researchers)
4. what new information/ideas/perspectives you brought to this question
5. what aspects of the question will need more research for a more complete answer
6. identity of the audience and purpose for your site
7. discussion of how you expect your site to be used
8. explanation of how the design of your site meets the needs of your audience/purpose

This presentation does not need to be perfect. The idea is to make sure your essay writes to the demands of those points - since those are the criteria for your grade.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday, April 16

Today you did some exploring with Frontpage. From what I saw, you are doing a great job. As I said - the hardest part is figuring out how to get around the blocks on the computer.

Monday will be another open lab to work on your hypertext essay. Take some time over the weekend to read through the comments I gave you on your writing; if you aren't sure what I was suggesting - make sure to either talk to me in class or seet up a conference.

The draft for your hypertext essay will be due on Thursday, April 23.

Have a great weekend.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday, April 13

In class we talked over the results from your assessment of your patterns for attending and you did some brainstorming for the reflective essay. Your task was to identify your focus and the texts you will connect to, and to do some thinking about how you would use each text in your discussion.

On Thursday you will have a free work period to develop your hypertext essay. Post a schematic for your design (or a description of) it to your blog.

Patterns for Attending and Reflecting on Readings for the Course

The assignment sheet for reflecting on the readings for the course is posted under course documents. It is probably best to think of this assignment as a take-home essay exam, where your purpose is to demonstrate your knowledge of the readings - and to show that you can apply the ideas from the readings to new contexts/situations. In class today you will do some brainstorming to set up a focus for your essay. As you will see from the assignment sheet - you have a choice of three questions: CHOOSE ONE. The questions are there to give you direction if you need it - but they can also let you follow your own interests if you want to. Your completed essay is due with your portfolio.

How long do you think it should be?

Patterns for attending

The following discussion sums up the overall patterns within the class.

Deep attention 1 2 3 4 5 Hyper attention

School 3 3 3 1 0/ average 2.3

Living 0 2 1 6 1/ average 3.6

Relaxation 0 1 2 2 5/ average 4.1

These numbers indicate that, in general, you use more deep attention for school, and more hyper attention for recreation, and that daily living presents the most variation in your choice for style of attending.

Further reflections:
1. Everyone in the class moves between deep attention and hyper attention - though the reasons and activities that influence the choice of one style for attending rather than another vary from person to person.

2. More individuals preferred deep attention for school work (there were no 5's in the average, but there were 5's for individual tasks - such as researching topics.)

3. Attending style seems to be activity dependent. Some of us had a preferred identity as a hyper attention or deep attention person - and said so out right - but most of us seemed to have attending styles that reflected the activity - not a dominant attending style.

4. The range for attending for the class was the same in all three categories (always spanning 4, never 5 or 3 ratings), yet when your reported which category had the biggest range you either indicated school or living activities (no one reported recreation); and recreation was the only category reported as having the least variation. This may be accounted for by the experiences of the particular individuals who reported for this section (only 5 out of the 10 participants provided answers for this section).

Monday, April 6, 2009

Overview of (revised) calendar for the rest of the term

M Apr 6
What you will talk about in your presentations on your web essays (April 20 + 23) + sign up for conferences
Discussion Hayles
Read: Collins, "Friend Game"
Blog 18: Writing about patterns for attending

Th April 9

Discussion patterns for attending posted on your blogs
Discussion Collins
Blog 19: Free blog - anything you want post

M April 13

Discussion: wrap up on content for course
In-class work on reflective analysis of readings for course
Blog 20: Post schematic for structure for web-essay

Th April 16
In-class work on building web essays

M April 20

In-class work on building web essays

Th April 23
Presentation on portfolio
In-class work on portfolio + web essay
Draft web essay due at end of class

M April 27
Web essay returned w comments
Presentations on web essays + feedback from classmates

Th April 30
In-class work on web-essays + portfolios

M May 4
Due: Portfolio, reflective analysis, web essay
Evaluation of the course

Characterizing your style for attending

After your classmates' presentation to explore the differences between hyper and deep attention - you will spend some time reflecting on your own patterns for attending - and what they mean about your relationships to different literacy practices.

Blog 18: post a response to the following prompts to your blog:

1. List the kinds of media you use/read/engage with on a daily basis. Are your choice of media + patterns for interacting with media the same or different from they wayit was when you were 5? 10? 15? etc Give short descriptions to explain.

2. Rank the relative amount of time you presently spend with each medium -- be as specific as you can

3. Describe any media associated with how you perform the following school related tasks:

do math or other calculation-based homework
read assignments
compose a paper (answers may be different for drafting, revising + editing)
study for an exam
conduct research / find references

4. Describe any media associated with how you do the following everyday tasks:

eat a meal by yourself
eat with your family/friends
household chores (cooking, cleaning, household repairs, work on your car)

5. Describe what you do to relax or in your free time - and how you relax

(e.g. watching TV while looking at a magazine and texting a friend)

Analyzing your patterns for attention:

a. Patterns of attention for individual activities: look back over your list and rank the individual practices listed under 3 - 5 . Use a scale of 1 - 5 where 1 is deep attention (focused on one task - creating an environment with no distractions) and 5 is hyper attention (focused on multiple channels for input - creating an environment with many distracting features). These numbers reflect your preferences for attending for individual activities.

b. Patterns of attending within activity clusters: After you have ranked all the activities you listed, give yourself a score for school activities, living/household activities + relaxation activities by averaging the numbers in each category (for example if you have 3 for math assignments, 4 for reading assignments, 2 for writing papers, and 5 for studying for exams, then your school number would be: 3+4+2+5= 14/4 categories = 3.5 (a little more on the hyper attention side than the deep attention side)

c. Overall pattern for attention. Average all the rating numbers to get your overall pattern for attending.

6 Questions to think about.

a. In which category were you most likely to use hyper attention? in which category were you most likely to use deep attention? Or do you seem to have a consistent style (all hyper or deep attention)? How would you explain this?

b. In which category was there the largest range of numbers ( for example, some activities rated 1, some rated 5). Can you explain why the range might be large for this category?

c. In which category did you have the most consistent style? Why do you think this is so?

7. How would you characterize yourself in terms of patterns for attending? Do these numbers reflect how you would characterize yourself (in terms of attention)? What correlations or inconsistencies do you see between your feeling about how you think and these numbers? Can you explain them?

Thursday, April 2, 2009


In class today you worked through the preliminary drafts for the text for the hypertext essay. Your feedback addressed the drafts' focus, the efficacy of the research question, and the use of analysis with respect both to the references and the interpretation/evaluation of the references brought to bear in the analysis. You also were looking for connections between the analysis and the focus of the essay.

Rather than posting additional reflections on the wikipedia project - use Blog 17 to post your revisions to your draft for your hypertext essay.

For Monday:
Blog 17: revise hypertext draft in light of comments from classmates
Read Hayles essay on Hyper and Deep Attention.

Have a great weekend.